BE YOURSELF!!! The person you're trying to copy might be fake.

A lot of Ladies these days seem to be so engrossed with social media lifestyle that they tend to forget or should I say lose sight of whom they really are.

I saw a movie lately where a young girl so much wanted to look pretty like a “super model kind of pretty” according to her. Yes she looked beautiful to me, chubby and healthy but yet she wanted more.
I used to feel like that though, no lies. Growing up I felt I wasn't pretty enough, I wasn't curvy enough ; not tall enough like I wanted to be, it was so bad that at a point I sort of lost my self confidence and self esteem. I let myself be overshadowed by my friends, I literally couldn't go anywhere or do anything without asking someone to tag along, it was as if I wasn't good enough on my own until I had someone by my side. It was so bad that I couldn't even go to the rest room or to the canteen without asking someone to accompany me.

How I built it back? The truth is someone actually helped me, he made me realize that I am much more than this, that I could do things on my own without anybody being by my side. He taught me how to be self confident and independent. He made me realize my self worth, So I started doing things on my own, I've really achieved a lot since then and I'm really grateful for that.

So back to the ladies and social media lifestyle, it's seriously depressing that most ladies think that getting up to 1k likes on a picture is an achievement, like seriously? Most of them even flaunt what's not really theirs, another set of people flaunt what they didn't even work for and funny enough the fine faces are make ups and the hot bodies are probably a product of beauty plus apps and then the rest of the Ladies who do not have all of this end up feeling bad, thinking they're missing out on so many things whilst in reality they are actually better that those other set of Ladies.
Someone told me about a funny incident that happened to her, one of her friends posted a picture of some goodies her Boo got her and the girl was so excited and flaunting all these on the internet saying all sort of sweet things to the supposed Man friend .. Now this friend of mine was actually happy for her friend but she kind of felt sad because she was still single and wished she had a Man who would do same for her. So later on she was having a talk with this her friend's “Boo” who is also a friend of hers, turned out this guy already ended things with her friend, so she was like.. Who then was she referring to that got her all of those things she was flaunting and the Man was like she should forget all of those things, that they were just hypes, she shouldn't fall for it, she should just be herself and live her life. That actually made me laugh out really hard, I was like ; so people actually do this. Of course there are still genuine ones out there, people who are actually grateful and express genuine happiness and not because they want to measure up to anybody or to belong.

This article is more like a push to the ladies who have lost their self confidence just because they feel that they are not good enough, that they do not look worthy enough or feel like they are not pretty enough and then want to be like someone else.
Listen dear, Everything is alright for everyone on social media but in reality it's actually the opposite, most of these people are actually very miserable so why compare yourself with that. You're beautiful, You're enough, You don't need any bodyʼs approval to look beautiful. Focus on your inner beauty and harness that congeniality, develop yourself in other areas of life and draw strength from there. It's not about others, it's about you so just be yourself!
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