To everyone hurting right now, this one is for you...

I saw a movie the other day and it really got me thinking...

What is love?
- Is it a feeling?
- Is it a commitment?
- A happily ever after pill?

Like I've always said, I would like to think of it as a CHOICE.

We choose people for who they are or for who they aren't and we make that choice (to love them) every single day that we are together.
Hear this, you can still love someone but choose not to give your love to them anymore. What I'm saying is, You can actually love someone who chose to walk away from your life from a distance and not give them that love..
By not giving them the love, I mean; showing your feelings, the commitment, the forgiveness, the excitement, the friendship and every other thing that love is made up of.

Choosing to love someone even after they've hurt you might sometimes feel unhealthy at first, but the truth is, it isn't. What is unhealthy is still giving that person your love even after they've walked out of your life, giving them the power to still mess up your day and bring tears to your eyes with a single thought about the good old days, staying at a spot and feeling sorry for yourself, not moving on with your life because you feel they would say you never loved them since it was so easy for you to forget everything you both shared. Sincerely, that is a wrong mindset.

If someone walks out of your life, my dear MOVE ON!
Moving on doesn't necessarily mean moving onto the next available person just because you're feeling lonely or start going out on dates with different people until you meet the 'rightʼ one.
What I actually meant by moving on here is “LETTING GO”.
Letting go of that hurt,letting go of the bruises, the heartaches, forgiving them and freeing yourself. Finding a passion within you and a will to be a better person.

You do not necessarily need a replacement for that to happen. You only need yourself and to achieve that you need to reset your mind. The feelings and emotions that our heart and body process comes from our minds and it's easier to Conquer and have control of your feelings and emotions if you can take control of your mind and thoughts. We will talk about controlling the mind in a different article though.

Finally, you do not have to feel bad about anything. You just have to LET GO and BOUNCE BACK! and always keep this in mind “LOVE IS A CHOICE”.
With this mindset, you're sure to beat the heartache and move onto something much better and along the way you can finally open your heart to Love again because by then your heart would have been completely healed and there's no more hurt from the past relationship. And the bad vibes would have gone, leaving you whole and complete to venture into a whole new world of love and genuine affection. Remember this, he/she had to hurt you so you will appreciate the presence of the right one when they finally do come and you would appreciate love more then because you already know what it feels like not to be loved. I do hope you make it through this stage. #Loveisabeautifulthing
