Okay so this story inspires me everytime I talk and teach about it. Because it keeps me in the consciousness of the precious gift I have found, why I shouldn't rest on my heels, and most importantly why it is impossible for my marriage to fail.

When I was praying about my best friend and partner Chocolate, I told God alot of stuff mehn, I made a crazy list of things I wanted in a life partner and ALL THE stuff I was looking forward to find.
At a point I even thought God must have gotten tired of me and my list of needs 😋😋😋😋😋. I wanted the good things of marriage.
Name it.
She must be beautiful.
She must not be too tall. Average height.
Must have big bumbum 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😉😉
Big boobs on point.🤣🤣🤣🤣, She must have fresh sexy legs, She must smell nice and look great. Wear nice shoes. Hehehehe

On my 26th birthday I remember I even told God that any woman I woke up next to when I turn 26th  I will take it as a sign from Him that she's the one.. hehehehe I was crazy to the C.R.A.Z.Y!
Back then I didn't know the Lord that much. I was just following through.  Hehehehe. So see the "smartest" thing I did.
I started to SHOP!
Because I wanted a Godly lady, I tried to blend them both together. Both worlds in one.
Spiritual and worldly 😊
I was looking out for a lady with big buttocks that can speak in tongues. Hehehehehe oh Father. I had eyes only for ladies with big boobs that when it shakes anointing will be shaking me. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh Lord help your son.
I just wanted a blend of both worlds. So I started to SHOP with that at the front , at the centre and at the Back of my mind. 😀
That was like;

Buying a leg from Spar.
A hand from Game
Hips from park n shop
Lips from Ebeano supermarket
I mean I tried as best as I could to gather the whole package into one piece.
And guess what?
I ended up a confused shopper.
Every piece did not connect. I was more confused in a relationship than I was when I was single. It was crazy guys.
But funny enough alot of us today are like me.
Confuse in needs.
Confuse in likes.
And confuse in wants.
We just want the full package.
Tall dark and handsome. Must have six packs and also be praying in tongues.
Must love to gym and also love to vigil.  We want the full blend.
I tried it and it ended up a mess.
So after a while of staying single I started praying for a partner. Same prayer pattern. I didn't learn from my past. I wanted the blend all over again.  I prayed the same prayers. Gave God a million qualities He should deposit in my spouse to be. . Hmmmm
Soooooo.. one day something happened guys. When I was making my request again.  Something happened that changed my whole life. That made me into the man I am today.
Something happend!!!

Something that is helping me keep a consistent walk with God.  Something that reminds me everytime that I am heaven bound.

Oh arrrh.

Can I share it with You?

Are you ready for this?

Feel so excited sharing this. Cos somebody's life is about to change right now.

A renewing of the mind. Hmmmm.

One day I was praying. Same prayer points again. Same patterns.  Same words. Same list of every Every!
In the middle of my prayer while I was so far gone in tongues. Do you know what God told me? 😐😐😐😐😐😐
He said;
son, hullop a minute. Wait
Can I ask you a question?
I said yes Father.

Let me just pause her to say this quick..

Anytime the Lord ask you a question just know that He is trying to expose your ignorance. Jesus did that alot. Especially at those moments where we think and feel like we know too much, or that we need something too much, or that what we are asking for is deserved. We saw that with Jesus and the lady at the well. She said give me this water you're talking about so that I might taste no more.

And Jesus said aunty, can I ask you a question?

Where is your husband?

You need to understand this guys.

What is the connection between asking for living water and her husband.?

Where they talking about relationship or marriage? No.

But when Jesus wants to expose your ignorance He does so perfectly with a question. That question was for her to see that what she is asking for is not what she needs......

Oh Father. Is somebody following this?

Although Jesus was talking about Himself, the living water,
..and although what Jesus was talking about was what she asked for, the loving water that she might not taste again.

But Jesus said where is your husband. Go and call him..

There was no relationship there.

Jesus did that to tell her that the living water He was ready to give she was not ready to receive. Because even if He gives her the whole of her Himself it will still not Do, as there are so many areas of her life that needed cleaning.

Did you catch this?

I have the water. I am ready to give. But don't ask for that just yet, go and clean up your life. So that you will have enough room to receive this living water when it comes in.

Glory to God!

As I was praying The Lord asked me a question  in my quiet. Listen to this guys. And I want you to write it down quickly as soon as it hits You!
As I was going on and on about the kind of partner I want Him to give to me the Lord hushed my up.

And said;

What do you want boy?
Which would you prefer son?
I have listened to all that you ask of me, But what if.........

What if.

 What if I give you someone who will help you make heaven, will you say no?
Hmmmm guys. That was it for me. I was done. Done!
Dumb! Every adjective possible.. I didn't know what to say. A great battle was going on in my heart.


WHAT IF this person does not come with all the things on that wish list?
What if her buttocks does not shake when she walks?
What if her boobs were not as big as you would like?
Would you say no?
Would you look at them?
Will she be of any interest to you?
Which would you like?

Meeehn I was weak bones. Becasue honestly the Lord was right, and still is.
You know how the Lord will just humble you laidat laidat. 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

I laid my list down. And raised my hands up like "Lord, pls show mercy on your ignorant son, the goal is to make heaven at all, I should have known that, your WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL"

I am not doing again. I don't want my wish again. Because the end product of what I am wishing for in a life partner is to make heaven, but if the one you will give me is even a surer guarantee then of what need is mine?

Does anyone understand this statement? It's so deep.

Listen to me tonight guys... And pls write this down if you've got a notepad on that bed;

When God gives You something,  everything  comes in that package.
God does not give us everything we like all the time. Sometimes He gives us what we don't like. Especially when we are asking him for the things that are not good for us.
One of the most things about God giving you something you don't like is that He will also give you the grace to like what He gives you. Hmmmmmmm Lord.
I wish I can explain this one in abc. You have to go through the experience to fully get this truth.
Oh you had better write that down somewhere.
When God gives you something, He has already covered all what you want inside the package He gives you..
I mean. If you're praying for a tall dark and handsome guy.  He might not give you someone talk dark and handsome, nope, not all the time, but He will give you someone who is an equivalent to what you're asking Him for.
I mean, He will give you a short fair and not so good-looking person who with the ability to do what that tall dark and handsome brother can Do, and even more.

Uhhhmmn deep stuff guys.

God puts all the things you WANT into the NEEDS he gives you.
That is how awesome He is.
WHAT your wants can Do, the NEEDS that God will give you will  do all that and even with some extras...
And ohhhhhgh this one is my favourite;

His package does not come with  errors.
A perfect God that gives perfect gifts!
His thoughts towards me is too priceless to come with an error.
That night I gave it all up.

If big breast will cause me to miss heaven then I don't want. It is better to buy two big pillows from aba.
Why should I keep insisting on a big buttocks that will be shaking away the grace and glory of God from my life?

I gave it up!
Don't get me wrong guys..

There is nothing wrong with aunties who are endowed with  oobs and buttocks. Nothing wrong at all. And there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with brother who desire aunties who are blessed with the FULL image of God. 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

But there is everything wrong if those big beautiful images does  not reflect the glory and rightousnes of God.

There is everything wrong if they are not reflecting other areas of God.  Areas like values, virtues, purity, righteousness, principles. Character. Etc
Shop in Christ guys.

There is no error in any package He gives you. Shop in Christ.
There is no beauty contest in heaven!!!!!! Ehhhhiiiiiiiii somebody catch this.. beauty is vain, favour is deceitful.. Why should tall dark and six packs be your problem?

Listen guys, let me share this secret with you quickly. Hope you're not getting bored?????😊😊😊😊

Can I go on? This is very important.

If this gets to you pls write it down to always remind yourself;

The real PURPOSE of Eve was not to help Adam stay IN Eden, but to help him succeed outside Eden. Eve was a journey partner for reconciliation, to help Adam come back to Him.

Ehhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii, this one is not for flesh and blood.

God saw all that would happen. He knew that this brother will not last in this garden.
The all knowing king!
It is not good for man to be alone, I will make for him a help meet...

When we hear that we just thing God was talking again help in the kitchen, help with chores, help in arranging the home. Etc. Naaaaaa, no guys..

Adam had everything he needed in Eden. There no stoves. No kitchen. No chores to be down
 No babies to bath. Nothing of such. Adam had everything he could need in Eden.

The help was for reconciliation.

God was saying he will make for him a helper, a journey partner. God was already thinking outside Eden. Someone who will help Adam come back to God when paradise is lost.

Is anyone getting this?

Eve was not formed help Adam stay IN Eden, she was formed to help Adam success outside of Eden. She was comes as an help to help him find his wah back to God.
Deaf aunties. Yoh need to start recognizing who you are. And why you're so important to your man. We might be the head, but you're the neck that holds us together.
Eve was formed to help Adam make his way back to heaven easier.
A journey partner. 😑
Aunties it is an error to be chasing after a man. A huge error.  A man should be the one chasing after you. Ever let yiur state of singleness make you chase after the love of a man, you will defeat your purpose with this..
Men should be the ones chasing after you. You are journey partner.!
He who finds a wife finds a food thing and obtains favour from the Lord.

The favour you carry is what he should be chasing.

Don't carry yiur favour and start chasing after him.

Do you hear me?

He should be hungry for that favour with you carry. Not the other way round.
Wait to be FOUND!
Favour does not search for men!!!!

Men search for Favour!

Everytime I remember what the Lord said in Eden I become amazed.  Genesis is amazing.

He said therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined together with his spouse. And the two shall become one flesh....


Which father and mother again?

Was there any father and mother existing in Eden?

Did Adam and eve have a father to leave?

Was God talking about them leaving Him?


God was already planning a life for them outside of Eden. The life we have today.

He saw it.
He saw the temptation.
He saw the fall.

And he made for Adam a journey partner.
To make the journey easier!!!
Someone is probably thinking;

But uncle, how can our partner help us make the heaven journey easier? Are they the Holy Spirit? 😊😊😊
No, they are not the Holy Spirit, but your partner can help you keep the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Hehehehehe Lord this is deep.

Anyone that can help you retain the presence of the Holy Spirit, any one that can help you maintain yiur grace and keep yiur walk consistent with God. That can help you stay right, live right, uuhhhhh mehn, that person is your physical holy spirit.

For that person to be able to do That, it means they also carry the Holy Spirit inside them, and for you to also be able to cooperate with their spirit bringing, that means you are also a carrier of the Spirit.

And when Spirit and Spirit jam, it is lakadeshia bredosh tantalegumenu andosnia.. glory!

How does she help you make the heaven journey easier ?

When  you're with Someone who gives you a million reasons not to cheat.

When you're with Someone who makes peace 5 seconds after a fight.

When you're with someone who loves you the way God wants for you to be loved. That's an easy journey guys.
Aunties I hope you know this is talking about you too?.

Your man can help you keep the presence of the Holy Spirit. He can help you make the heaven journey easier.

Shop in Christ guys.

God is looking for marriages that will stand as a harbour for saints and angels.
Will you volunteer your marriage to be used as a Haven???????

Ooohh Lord!!

Remember Abraham and Sarah ?

The 3 men where going on their mission jeje.

According to the scriptures two of those men where angels, while the third one was the Lord,.

There were on a journey when they stopped by Abraham's house to chill.

They even ate and drank with a human. A human!!!!!!!!

We no different guys.

God is looking for marriages to come and eat and drink.

Oh father!
Imagine if there was no Joseph and Mary at the time when we needed them most?

Imagine if Manoah's wife lacked the grace to communicate with angels?

Imagine if her husband wasn't spiritually relevant at that time???
Who is ready to volunteer their marriage??? Starting with their relationship???
Set your affections on things above.

This is how to SHOP IN CHRIST...

Let His will superceed yours.

Let your wants be found inside His needs.


So dear Lord this is who we are, children who are hearers, and doers only by your grace. Help us to always remember that the goal is to make heaven, and align our desires with your will.

Allison Bisongs Hyacintho...

I hope you guys enjoyed this.. You can follow his Fb page @ Jesus Gang Single and Faithfully waiting
Thank you
