"Have a 'Check-up' date. What I mean is that every so often, the two of you should sit down and have a relationship “check-up” date. Talk about the things that are going great and the things that could use a little improvement. This is not a finger-pointing session; it’s an opportunity for both of you to talk about the current status of the’s an opportunity to give praise for the good things and to work together on solutions for the things that need improving. The both have to be honest with each other. You can’t expect the other to work on something they know nothing about. At the same time, you both have to be willing to listen to each other, not be defensive and take what your partner is saying and self-reflect. Then, you both have to agree to work to improve so that by the next check-up date, things look a little bit better... your relationship is a little bit stronger and you two are a little bit closer."
