Unconditional Love

To love another person almost MORE than the VALUE you
place upon yourself is something WORTHY of note, to be taking well into the record books.. .

From the word "unconditional" literally its WITHOUT a condition, that is, you didn't tie your love on the basis that she is beautiful, he is handsome, she has a nice curve, big boobs, bang_able, Hairy Johnny and so on.. . You are not loving your partner coz of whatever they give or you get from them, a kind of love that flows FREELY and PURELY.. . All you know is that you love FAR ABOVE all that, if they are present or not you still do love them.
likewise the ladies,

its good to love your man far above the strength of his pocket, be Supportive.. . Encouraging.. . Available.. . Don't allow your love to be based ONLY on material possession or any other thing coz when that particular thing
will be no longer there, I wonder what will happen to your professed love..🤹🤹🤹
