This is my Story...

Hi Ella, this is my story... I want to share it with you so you could post on your blog to help others learn... It's sweet to be single o cos when you love and it's not returned, it's quite devastating... Here it goes

I once dated 7 girls at a time.. If I should say, they all loved me unconditionally 100%, Buh 6 forced themselves on me... Buh I liked just 1... At some point I had to quit cos at the time I was dating the 7,i had no plan for myself, no vision, no goal but when I discovered myself, I had to let them know everything, it didn't end well Buh I had to...

Year 1, I started with a girl whom I dated till kinda final year... I decided to love with all my heart and I trusted her completely, But... 😔
At her aggressive moments I was calm, learning to be patient and to handle ladies aggressive nature, even when she hauled insults on me I was cool, learning how to calm her and still tell her how beautiful she is... Even when she insulted me in front of her friends and they all laughed at me, I kept my cool and with calm and sweet voice I was begging, yeah at that moment any guy will say am stupid, foolish and insane... Love can make you do stupid things yeah? But I was chill and happy, others might slap and beat her up buh I swore not to lay my rough hands on any woman in my life... She actually changed 1year after the relationship, when I call her she hardly picks up, most times she leaves her phone in her room and goes to her friends room for hours and she's always with this friend of hers.. So if I call the friend she gets angry that I did... She will flare up and ask why am monitoring her and the next thing is abusive words, next is I don't give her money, that the 4k or 5k I do give her at times once in 2weeks or a week is not money... All this I endured not because I couldn't walk out from what threatens my happiness but just because I love her, I held unto that love..
At a point it got to denial,countless times...  she once denied me to a guy I don't know right in front of me though on the phone, she was on phone with the guy for about 1hour, was so heavy on me but I didn't let go...
Will all this not make a guy become demonic in treating other girls that might come across their way?
My dear, despite all this... I choose to be the best of who the world will celebrate tomorrow... I know there are thousands of good girls out there.. So one won't change my perspective about Women...
In all this I laugh cos I chose to go through this knowing that one day my wife might spiritually go to that mood, lol and handling it won't be an issue...
I am free and single but do you know what? Those lessons thought me to be a better man and God allowed it so I know that my goals and ambitions does not need those messy stuff so if I could tackle this emotional stuff and succeeded then I could handle people i meet in my journey of life well at least up to 60%...
Well,with all the trash she talks about me to her friends, They all see its not true. One met me recently trying to say good about us and forgiveness and how perfect I was in handling the shits but I didn't waste time to tell her this “Soup scooped from one pot into a different plate is still same soup”
I decided to go through that shit cos you know who loves you at your worst, I did love her at her worst and bad times but she never did and her friend said she regrets saying it's over... Even after all this, she was the one that even ended the relationship.. Even the times when she will break up and I beg knowing full well she was at fault, she said it's over to me more than 8 times... Before she even said it was over I already lost the love I had for her, my love network died when dating her... From the day she said that if I don't give her money for studio pix she will not come back... God! I chop shit for that girl hand, I just pity for the man that will marry her, I pray she changes cos I won't want her to end up dead early, her mouth is deadly and any aggressive man can't take her kind of shits...
Well, this is my story... Greater things ahead, I discovered myself...
In all, stand strong even in worst times that when the one you stand for to protect sees you as a threat to their survival... Leave and wish them well so when they fall and see your importance, wave and tell them your propeller has directed you to another destination cos the level they may find you might not sync with what they got to offer... I hope my story will help so many... THE END....

Always know that someone hurting you doesn't mean you are not a good person or not enough for the person, it just means that the person is too blind to see your goodness and you deserve much better than that... These type of people will drain you and will keep draining you until you lose that goodness and end up becoming bitter... I don't subscribe to changing your lifestyle or being hard on others just cos someone hurt you.. No, It will only mean that the person won after all.
Rather... Be the better version of yourself, build yourself up out of that hurt, channel all that energy into something much better.Yes it's hard, Buh in the end you will be happy you did it. Just see it as one of the lessons you've learnt that will make you a better person tomorrow...
You've done your best and if your best isn't good enough for them then please walk! “Don't loose your taste just cos you're trying season someone's life”
There are good people out there that will love and take care of you irrespective of the worst they face... Yes! Nice people exist! ...
Never give up on love just because you've tried once or twice and failed... Keep trying! Learn to know the difference between being Loved and being Used!

In love, you don't expect rather you give... Give and keep giving, am not talking about money here... Give your time, give your attention, give your shoulder, give your advises, give your respect(this is very important), give your support, give love, there's just too much to give and the Right person will appreciate all this... I hope we all find the kind of love we deserve...
