Real life issues

Ella,good evening... please post this as anonymous

I met this guy few months back and exchanged numbers and have been talking on What'sApp since then. he wanted us to meet and due to my tight schedule, I made out time yesterday and we planned on where to meet.
I got to the restaurant before him and called to ask where he was, he told me to give him few minutes as he is taking one bottle of beer somewhere close. I waited and he finally showed up.  He told me we should go somewhere quite to talk and i said the restaurant was guide enough for whatever we need to discuss and we went in to sit.  he wanted to order but i said am not hungry. Dude started talking about how much he likes me and will want me to be his wife that he loves my body shape and all that. u need to see the arrogance and authority in his voice.
He went on and on and finally stopped talking. I was relieved. I kept my phone on the table, he picked it up and told me to unlock the password and i asked him why, he said he wants to see the number of guys that am talking to and to tell them to stop talking with his wife that he owns me now. He went on to say he will stop me from going to facebook and instagram once we get married, he will take my Android phone away,change my numbers and give me a smaller phone.
I just took my phone, put it in my bag, stood up and walked out of the restaurant. when i got outside, I ran faster than Usain Bolt, stopped a bike and went home.
In as much as i want a ring on my finger,  am not ready to settle with a man that wants to isolate me from the world.
He has been calling and sending messages on the same whatsapp he wants me to stay away from.
No man will imprison me in this 21st century in the name of marriage..
My question is hope I did the right thing?, does he have to sound that way considering is our first meeting?, now he is still calling and sending messages, what should I do with him?

