Management Skills Positive Affirmations

--- Present Tense Affirmations ---
I am an outstanding manager
My management skills are strong
I am a confident manager
I am an authority in my field
I am dedicated to growing professionally and personally
Others respect my position as a manager
I am well prepared to take on an important management role
I am able to take the lead and direct people when needed
My superiors respect my ability to manage
My management style is firm yet fair
--- Future Tense Affirmations ---
I will become a top level manager
I will be noticed by upper management
My confidence as a manager is growing
I am transforming into a highly skilled manager
Others are starting to come to me for leadership and guidance
I will continue to develop my management skills
I will achieve my managerial goals
I am noticing that others are starting to listen to and respect me
I will embrace responsibility and challenge
Managing others is becoming easier and less stressful
--- Natural Affirmations ---
I enjoy being a manager
I can handle difficult situations with ease
Managing others comes naturally to me
Others naturally look up to and respect me
Being the best manager I can be is important to me
My management skills are naturally strong
I enjoy leading others
Constant improvement is a way of life for me
I can be firm with others when needed
I am highly organized and efficient.

Hope this helps boost your day... Share with your friends too... Good morning and have a great week ahead.  
